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Описание:The CS4MX-I operates on the famed C.Scope 17 kHz frequency operating system developed by C.Scope together with detector enthusiasts specifically for European and UK soil and mineralisation types. Benefitting from new generation signal processing and filtering the CS4MX-I produces a superb sharp and fast signal response with a lightning recovery time. The CS4MX-I is supplied as standard with the 8 x 11" (20 x 28 cm) elliptical search head. The CS4MX-I has an Auto and Variable Ground Exclude Control for more precise ground elimination on mineralised sites. The CS4MX-I has two Discriminate Controls for an instant comparison and analysis of signals. Discriminate 1 can be set low to eliminate iron and Discriminate 2 set high to still accept small hammered silver. There is also a Pinpoint function which switches off the motion effect so that the search head can be brought to rest over the exact target location.
Features:- mode: motion
- on/off sensitivity
- two channel discrimination adjustable settings
- default automatic ground balance setting
- manually adjustable ground balance setting
- pinpoint switch
- two part stem: with cam knurled nut locking and hole and pin alignment and length adjustment. GRP lower stem with ultra strong bolt to the search head.
- control box: in rugged pressure tested ABS moulding. Hipmount facility.
- user manual only available in English
Documents:По ЗаказуЦена с НСО
714.15 €