


  • PicoScope 4424A 4-channel 20 MHz oscilloscope kit with 4 TA375 probes



    Input channels 4

    Bandwidth (−3 dB) 20 MHz (50 mV to 50 V ranges)
    10 MHz (10 mV and 20 mV ranges)
    Rise time (calculated) 17.5 ns (50 mV to 50 V ranges)
    35.0 ns (10 mV and 20 mV ranges)
    Input type BNC, at least 20 mm spacing
    Vertical resolution 12 bits
    Software-enhanced vertical resolution Up to 16 bits
    Input sensitivity 2 mV/div to 10 V/div (10 vertical divisions)
    Input ranges ±10 mV to ±50 V full scale, in 12 ranges
    Input coupling Software-selectable AC / DC
    Input characteristics 1 MΩ ∥ 19 pF
    DC accuracy ±1% of full scale ±300 μV
    Analog offset range (vertical position adjustment) ±250 mV (10 mV to 500 mV ranges)
    ±2.5 V (1 V to 5 V ranges)
    ±25 V (10 V to 50 V ranges)
    Analog offset accuracy ±1% of offset setting additional to basic DC accuracy
    Maximum input voltage ±50 V DC, 42.4 V peak AC
    Overvoltage protection ±100 V (DC + AC peak)
    Oscilloscope - horizontal
    Maximum sampling rate (real-time) 80 MS/s (up to four channels in use)
    40 MS/s (five or more channels in use)
    Maximum sampling rate (USB 3.0, continuous streaming mode) 20 MS/s using PicoScope 6 software, shared between channels
    80 MS/s max. for a single channel using PicoSDK. 160 MS/s total across all channels. (PC-dependent)
    Timebase ranges 20 ns/div to 5000 s/div
    Buffer memory 256 MS shared between active channels
    Streaming buffer memory (PicoScope) 100 MS
    Streaming buffer memory (SDK) Up to available PC memory
    Maximum buffer segments 10,000
    Maximum waveforms per second 100,000 (PC-dependent)
    Timebase accuracy ±20 ppm (+5 ppm/year)
    Sample jitter 25 ps RMS typical
    Dynamic performance (typical)
    Crosstalk −76 dB, DC to 20 MHz
    Harmonic distortion < −60 dB, 10 mV range
    < −70 dB, 20 mV and higher ranges
    SFDR > 60 dB, 20 mV and 10 mV ranges
    > 70 dB, 50 mV and higher ranges
    Noise 45 μV RMS on 10 mV range
    Bandwidth flatness DC to full bandwidth (+0.2 dB, −3 dB)
    Pulse response < 1% overshoot
    Channels A to D
    Trigger modes Free run, auto, repeat, single, rapid (segmented memory)
    Trigger types Edge with adjustable hysteresis, pulse width, window, window pulse width, dropout, window dropout, interval, logic level, runt pulse
    Trigger sensitivity Digital triggering provides 1 LSB accuracy up to full bandwidth
    Maximum pre-trigger capture 100% of capture size
    Maximum post-trigger delay Zero to 4 billion samples (settable in 1 sample steps)
    Trigger rearm time < 3 μs on fastest timebase
    Maximum trigger rate Up to 10 000 waveforms in a 30 ms burst
    Advanced digital trigger levels All trigger levels, window levels and hysteresis values settable with 1 LSB resolution across input range
    Advanced digital time intervals Settable with 1 sample resolution from 1 sample (minimum 12.5 ns) up to 4 billion sample intervals
    Function generator
    Standard output signals Sine, square, triangle, DC voltage, ramp, sinc, Gaussian, half-sine, white noise, PRBS
    Standard signal frequency 0.03 Hz to 1 MHz
    Sweep modes Up, down, dual
    Triggering Can trigger a counted number of waveform cycles or sweeps (up to 1 billion)
    from the scope trigger or manually from software.
    Frequency accuracy ±20 ppm
    Frequency resolution < 0.02 Hz
    Voltage range ±2 V
    Amplitude and offset adjustment Signal amplitude and offset within ± 2V range. Adjustable in approx 300 μV steps.
    Amplitude flatness < 0.5 dB to 1 MHz typical
    DC accuracy ±1% of full scale
    SFDR 87 dB typical
    Output characteristics Rear-panel BNC, 600 Ω output impedance
    Overvoltage protection ±10 V
    Arbitrary Waveform Generator
    Update rate 80 MS/s
    Buffer size 16 kS
    Resolution 14 bits (output step size approximately 300 μV)
    Bandwidth 1 MHz
    Rise time (10% to 90%) 150 ns
    Sweep modes, triggering, frequency accuracy and resolution, voltage range and accuracy and output characteristics as for function generator.
    Spectrum analyzer
    Frequency range DC to 20 MHz
    Display modes Magnitude, average, peak hold
    Windowing functions Rectangular, Gaussian, triangular, Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Hamming, Hann, flat-top
    Number of FFT points Selectable from 128 up to 1 million in powers of 2
    Scale / units X axis : linear or log 10
    Y axis : logarithmic (dbV, dBu, dBm, arbitrary) or linear (volts)
    Math channels
    General functions −x, x+y, x−y, x*y, x/y, x^y, sqrt, exp, ln, log, abs, norm, sign, sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan, sinh, cosh, tanh, derivative, integral, delay
    Filter functions Lowpass, highpass, bandstop, bandpass
    Graphing functions Frequency, duty cycle
    Multi-waveform functions Min, max, average, peak
    Operands Input channels, reference waveforms, time, constants, pi
    Automatic measurements
    Scope mode AC RMS, true RMS, cycle time, DC average, duty cycle, falling rate, fall time, frequency, high pulse width, low pulse width, maximum, minimum, peak to peak, rise time, rising rate.
    Spectrum mode Frequency at peak, amplitude at peak, average amplitude at peak, total power, THD %, THD dB, THD+N, SFDR, SINAD, SNR, IMD
    Statistics Minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation
    Scope mode AC RMS, true RMS, cycle time, DC average, duty cycle, falling rate, fall time, frequency, high pulse width, low pulse width, maximum, minimum, peak to peak, rise time, rising rate.
    Spectrum mode Frequency at peak, amplitude at peak, average amplitude at peak, total power, THD %, THD dB, THD+N, SFDR, SINAD, SNR, IMD
    Statistics Minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation
    Serial decoding
    Protocols 1-Wire, ARINC 429, CAN, CAN FD, DALI, DCC, DMX512, Ethernet (10Base-T), FlexRay, I²C, I²S, LIN, Manchester, MODBUS (ASCII and RTU), PS/2, SENT, SPI, UART/RS-232. Subject to number of channels available.
    Inputs All input channels with any mixture of protocols
    Mask limit testing
    Mask creation User-drawn, table entry, auto-generated from waveform or imported from file
    Actions Highlight on screen, select in buffer overview, activate alarm
    Statistics Pass/fail, failure count, total count
    Initiating events Capture, buffer full, mask fail
    Alarm actions Beep, play sound, stop/restart capture, run executable, save current buffer/all buffers, trigger signal generator
    Interpolation Linear or sin(x)/x
    Persistence modes Digital color, analog intensity, fast, custom
    Data export
    Output file formats BMP, CSV, GIF, JPG, MATLAB 4, PDF, PNG, PicoScope data, PicoScope settings, TXT
    Output functions Copy to clipboard, print
    Temperature range (operating) 0 °C to 45 °C
    Temperature range (stated accuracy) 20 °C to 30 °C
    Temperature range (storage) -20 °C to +60 °C
    Humidity range (operating) 5% to 80% RH non-condensing
    Humidity range (storage) 5% to 95% RH non-condensing
    Altitude Up to 2000 m
    Pollution degree EN 61010 pollution degree 2: "only nonconductive pollution occurs except that occasionally a temporary conductivity caused by condensation is expected"
    Physical properties
    Dimensions 190 x 170 x 40 mm (7.5" x 6.7" x 1.6")
    Weight < 0.55 kg (19.4 oz)
    Windows software PicoScope 6


    Hind km-ga:

    1616.50 €