Измерительные приборы
EC500 : ExStik pH / conductivity meter ( Extech )
Код товара:
Описание:- Measures 5 parameters including Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, pH, and Temperature using one electrode
- 9 units of measure: pH, µS/cm, mS/cm, ppm, ppt, mg/L, °C, °F
- conductivity: 0...199µS/cm ; 200...199 9µS/cm ; 2...19.99
resolution: 0,1 µS/cm / accuracy: +-2% FS - TDS/Salinity : 0...99.9 ppm ( mg/l) ; 100...999 ppm (mg/l) ;
1...9.99 ppt
resolution: 0,1 ppm ( mg/l ) / accuracy: +-2% FS - pH : 0...14 pH ( resolution: 0,01 pH / accuracy: +-0,01 pH )
- temperature: -5... +90°C ( resolution: 0,1 °C / accuracy: +-1°C )
- waterproof: IP57
- Analog bargraph indicates trends
- Memory stores up to 25 labeled readings
- Adjustable Conductivity to TDS ratio from 0.4 to 1.0; 0.5 fixed Salinity ratio
- RENEW feature alerts user when electrode needs replacement
- Order Conductivity standards and pH buffers separately
- weight / dimensions: 110 g / 36 x 186 x 41mm )
- Complete with meter and electrode, protective cap, sample
cup, four 3V CR-2032 batteries, and 48" (1.2m) neckstrap
- more information: EC500
manual: EC500
ДaЦена с НСО
218.38 €